
Toolkit for Westheights Refugee Sponsorship

Sharing our fundraising initiative is imperative to building a strong contingent of supporters. Join us on the journey of sponsoring a refugee family from Syria!

But what do I say? — Glad you asked!

To make it easier for you, we have prepared a number of sample messages (below) that you can use to share this fundraising page with others. Each option is unique in its tone, style, and appeal so there is something for everyone. Just copy-and-paste a sample message into an email message, Facebook post, Twitter message, or customize one if you wish. Then send and repeat.

It’s that simple. If we all share to those in our personal networks, then we all are part of this humanitarian effort. Together we can provide a fresh start to a family currently living in crisis.

Sample Messages for Email and Facebook





Data Driven:

Sample Tweets for Twitter

Update Your Facebook Cover Photo!

Instructions: Click on the desired cover photo to see larger version in a new tab. Right-click on the larger version and Save Image As… Then go to Facebook and upload the saved copy as your cover photo.

Update Your Twitter Header Image!

Instructions: Click on the desired header image to see larger version in a new tab. Right-click on the larger version and Save Image As… Then go to Twitter and upload the saved copy as your header image.

Shared Twitter Cover Photo 3 kids
Shared Twitter Cover 4 squares
Shared Twitter Cover Photo 3 squares
Shared Twitter Cover Photo mom
Shared Twitter Cover Photo big logo

Follow our Fundraising Facebook Page, Twitter & Medium

For local refugee sponsorship news and our fundraising info:

We have started an exciting publication or series to tell our story of the refugee settlement project, the fundraising, and also some very compelling personal perspective pieces by some people on our team. You will want to read them.

Here’s our Publication on You don’t need a Medium account to read the publication, just bookmark it. However, if you are also on Medium, then please FOLLOW the publication so you don’t miss upcoming articles!

Everyone: Thanks for all your help!