Cups of cold water in Jesus’ name.  That’s supposed to be the stuff of following Jesus, right?  Well, here’s an opportunity for you to do something little that adds up to a lot.  A little block of time that will benefit many.  Neusa Barbosa has graciously offered her time over the past years to provide lunches for various events, and now she’s asking for some more volunteers.  The next event is

When? Monday, March 19

Where? At Westheights Church

What? Making sandwiches for a group of pastors

Why? They work so hard in communities across Canada; let’s give back to them!

Who? YOU??? Can YOU help? Can YOU stop by for one hour to help? If so, please email

Why not?  If you are busy that day, but you’d be happy to have Neusa add your name to a list of volunteers to help with food preparation for another event in the future, please email

Cups of cold water, sandwiches, and other edible stuff… It all counts!