Thanks to everybody who donated items for hygiene kits and all who stayed after yesterday’s service to participate in various compassion activities which benefited global as well as local needs. UPDATE: Due to late-coming donations, we surpassed our goal and completed 161 hygiene kits!
- We knotted a quilt which provides not only warmth but is also a tangible message to people in places like Syria that their needs are not forgotten.
- We created happy, friendly Christmas cards for inmates at the Grand Valley Institution for Women who are separated from loved ones at Christmas. Our Christmas cards will cheer them up in their time of loneliness.
- We made colourful crafts for our neighbours at the Forest Heights Long Term Care Centre.
- We assembled hygiene kits which MCC sends around the world to offer comfort to families facing disaster or crisis. They’re also a tangible way you can share God’s love and compassion. Thanks to your generous donations, we achieved our goal of 150 complete kits! In fact, we had leftover supplies which were forwarded to MCC for future kits.
Kim Lester shared, on Sunday, that she had personally met a woman, Marie, in Serbia who received a hygiene kit. While our hygiene kits may seem small and insignificant to us, recipients facing war or disaster find comfort in these bags of basic necessities. Let’s continue to remember to pray for our worldwide brothers and sisters.