On February 21, 2015,  join 800 toque-wearing walkers from the Waterloo Region who will be taking part in the fourth Coldest Night of the Year – a family-friendly winter-walking fundraising event for Kitchener/Waterloo’s homeless, hungry and hurting. The funds raised will directly support the Ray of Hope Community Centre, which provides daily meals, food hampers and creative programming to those who need it.

This year’s walk has grown from 63 cities to 82 from all across Canada – Victoria to Red Deer to Saskatoon to North Bay to Windsor to Ottawa to Montreal to Truro to Charlottetown to St. Johns…even Yellowknife will be walking. This is truly a National Event!

The Kitchener-Waterloo community can support their favourite KW walker or join a Nordic toque-wearing team for this 2, 5, or 10 KM walk event by signing-up online at www.brrrr.org.

Registration is at Cameron Heights Collegiate (301 Charles St. E) from 4-5 PM and each walk route (2, 5, 10 KM) finishes at the Ray of Hope Community Centre (659 King St. E) where some warm soup, Piller’s sausages, and a hot drink will be waiting.

Check out how North Bay launched their campaign with the Mayor leading the way! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPwniwpmfow