BIC churches across Canada are participating in the Betty Albrecht challenge so that we can together more fully pursue church planting and global partnerships. We are inviting each person to participate in a special offering on Sunday, May 3rd. Every $1 we give is matched with another $2 through funds already committed by family and friends of Harold and Betty Albrecht and BIC Canada! For more information on the Betty Albrecht Challenge, please visit:

At Westheights Church, you will find a flyer and envelope to respond to the Betty Albrecht Challenge. You may place your donation in the Westheights offering plate by Sunday, May 3, and we will forward your donation to BIC Canada. Please make your cheque payable to BIC Canada.

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Who is Betty Albrecht?

Betty AlbrechtBetty and Harold Albrecht, leaders in the BIC, embodied a passion for church planting and global, compassionate engagement. Betty’s sudden death in May, 2011 shocked and saddened all of us. Everyone who knew Betty experienced her dedication to Christ and her engagement in the life of the church – volunteering in her local church, in the community, BIC Canada, and partnering with Harold in his leadership in the church and community.

In honour of Betty Albrecht’s life of serving and giving, the Betty Albrecht Challenge was established, a 3-year opportunity for all of BIC Canada to invest in multiplying expressions of church across Canada and to extend God’s peace around the world.