And the Final Food Bank Tally Is …

And the Final Food Bank Tally Is …

Drum roll, please!  Our final tally for this year’s food drive is in… Together with our neighbours, you helped raise: Food Donated: 3,186 lbs (WOW!) Funds Donated: $80.80 For a total of 2,731 meals that will help feed our hungry neighbours! Our goal was to...
Sr. High Lock-In 2018

Sr. High Lock-In 2018

This year for our Senior High retreat, we’re reaching into the past to bring back a classic, well-loved event – the Lock-In! From November 16-17 the Senior High students will enjoy 24 hours of board games, movies, bonding, and a whole bunch of other fun...
Thanks for a Great Halloween for Hunger 2018

Thanks for a Great Halloween for Hunger 2018

I just wanted to make a quick post to say THANK YOU to every one of you that pitched in to make Halloween for Hunger happen again this year! You packed, snacked, and walked all over the neighbourhood. Without you, this event would not happen and we wouldn’t be...
Calling Sr High Students – Halloween for Hunger is coming!

Halloween for Hunger Food Bank Drive

Since 2007, our church and community has donated 24,732 lbs of food through our Halloween for Hunger events. The Food Bank calculates that this is equivalent to over 19,514 meals which Westheights Church and our neighbours have provided over the past eleven years. The...