Jesus & Money #2 – Whose Is It Anyway?

Jesus & Money #2 – Whose Is It Anyway?

In this second message in our Jesus and Money message series, Pastor Josh asked us the question, “Whose is it anyway?” We were reminded that the money we think we own, is actually a gift from God who has entrusted us to manage our finances to further...
Jesus & Money #2 – Whose Is It Anyway?

Jesus & Money #1 – But I Need It!

Pastor Josh Mutter begins a new message series about what the Bible says about money. It’s easy to trust God with the big-picture things in life – events that affect everyone like global warming and world wars … stuff that is out of our control. But...
Building a Strong Financial House

Building a Strong Financial House

This seminar is different from many Christian finance seminars. The teaching does not feature merely “practical” information on finances, but follows Craig Hill’s anointed understanding of God’s Word in teaching finances from a Biblica and...
Wanted: MSCU Is Hiring A Family

Wanted: MSCU Is Hiring A Family

Mennonite Savings and Credit Union recently launched an initiative called “We’re Hiring a Family” which will see us walking the journey of faith and finances with a family over the period of one year, beginning in 2013. … Read...