Project Give 2013

Project Give 2013

After the morning worship service on Sunday, December 15th, stay and participate in Project Give to help Mennonite Central Committee’s (MCC’s) development work globally and locally. From assembling health kits, to knotting quilts, to making Christmas cards, we have...
Project Give Photos

Project Give Photos

Thanks to everyone who donated hygiene items, and to all who stayed after last Sunday’s worship service to participate in Project Give. We assembled 145 hygiene kits! … Read...
Project GIVE is coming!

Project GIVE is coming!

On December 16th we are having our Project GIVE Sunday.  We are collecting donations of health supplies in order to assemble kits that will be distributed to children living in refugee camps who do not have access to hygiene supplies. Helping is as easy as 1-2-3. One,...