SK to Gr 5 Field Trip this Sunday

SK to Gr 5 Field Trip this Sunday

Hey, Parents of SK to Grade 5 kids! We’re hosting a Birthday Party for Jesus this Sunday! Bring your kids in good time (between 10:15 and 10:30) so they don’t miss any of the merry hoopla. And a reminder that as a gift to Jesus, we’re heading next...
Being the Church–Together!

Being the Church–Together!

I wish you could have been there. I wish I could convey to you the thanks, the smiles, the hugs, the “When are you coming back?” warmth of the residents and their family members, as Westheights stepped away from “church”–to be the Church....
Project Give Photos

Project Give Photos

Thanks to everyone who donated hygiene items, and to all who stayed after last Sunday’s worship service to participate in Project Give. We assembled 145 hygiene kits! … Read...