What Happens Now #5 – The Holy Spirit

What Happens Now #5 – The Holy Spirit

In Pastor Josh Mutter’s final message in his What Happens Now series, we were challenged to look for the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives and to ask for God to speak to us through His Spirit.   WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Message by Josh Mutter – June 9,...
What Happens Now #5 – The Holy Spirit

What Happens Now #4 – Restore

What does restoration mean to us in our relationship with God and with one another? How does Simon Peter’s story model how we can respond to reconciliation in our own relationships?   WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Message by Josh Mutter – May 19, 2019 RESTORE...
What Happens Now #5 – The Holy Spirit

What Happens Now #3 – Doubt

Is doubt a good thing? Or is it the opposite of faith? The disciple Thomas, infamously known as Doubting Thomas, encounters the resurrected Jesus with honest skepticism. What can we learn about this story of doubt and faith?   WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Message by Josh...
What Happens Now #5 – The Holy Spirit

What Happens Now #2 – Peace

When faced with difficult or new situations in life, we have all asked ourselves, “Am I equipped for this responsibility? People have expectations of me. Can I handle this?” At his resurrection, Jesus interacted with his disciples to reassure them and to...
What Happens Now #5 – The Holy Spirit

What Happens Now #1 – Anticipation

This Sunday, Pastor Josh Mutter began a new message series, “What Happens Now.” Jesus’ disciples were shaken to the core upon his death but when he came back from the grave, how were his followers transformed by this miracle and by Jesus’ interactions with...