House Church Kickoff

House Church Kickoff

Every fall we like to take some time to highlight our vibrant House Church ministry which is available to anyone interested in meeting together with other Jesus followers in smaller, more intimate settings. We call our small groups “House Churches” to help...
New House Church Series – Anabaptism

New House Church Series – Anabaptism

If you’ve been around Westheights Church for any length of time then you know how much we value getting together to encourage one another in our faith and following of Jesus. We call these gatherings House Churches and they are simply informal meetings in homes where...
Book Club House Church

Book Club House Church

The Naked Anabaptist. That’s a provocative title for a house church book. At Westheights, our historical theological tradition finds its roots in the anabaptist movement, a movement going back 500 years. This book will explore what it means to be an anabaptist....
New Women’s House Church

New Women’s House Church

Join us and be part of the Women of Forestwood! The kickoff party is this Thursday, Sept 12 from 7:30 pm. Women, come to this get-together and learn more about what we’ll be up to for this new house church. This group will meet three out four Thursdays per month...
Join a House Church in 3 Easy Steps

Join a House Church in 3 Easy Steps

We strongly believe that being part of a small group (we call them “House Churches”) is a vital part of a well balanced spiritual diet. In the days of the early Church most of the meetings happened in homes (Acts 2:46; Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19;...