We are here! As you can see from the pictures it was a long day of travel.

We left Kitchener at 5:30 am on Monday morning and got to our destination at 7:00 pm with dinner at 8:00 pm. We had some airline food (I know, oxymoron) to hold us over for the trip so everyone was pretty hungry. Dinner was chicken with french fries and rice. The hotel is very nice and we even have free wireless Internet. We brought three laptops down to use while we are here and we are going to donate them to the Nicaraguan church when we are done.

Everyone is doing really well and we have been having a lot of laughs along the way.

I am personally excited about visiting the church this morning and meeting the people that we will be working with.

We have veteran BIC missionary Marshall Poe along with us to help purchase supplies and manage the project. Marshall is also my roommate.  We also have a wonderful young Nicarguan girl named Elsie to serve as our translator.

There is a one hour time difference in Leon … we are one hour behind EST.

I slept very well but no one else is up and about yet so I don’t know about the others.

Elsie, Interpeter for next 2 weeks

First meal, half hour after arrival


Marg and Cathy, first meal in Leon


Marshall Poe, veteran BIC missionary also in Leon